MD Handy Baby II copy Fiat 48 no problem.
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JMD Handy Baby II:
Handy Baby 2 Hand-held Car Key Copy Key Programmer for 4D/46/48 Chips
If your VW Skoda 4th all key lost,How to collect data with Handy Baby 2 and JMD Assistant?
Step 1. Collect Data
1.The remote control (without chip)is inserted into the ignition switch to brighten the meter.
2.Insert the assistant into the OBD port. When the assistant makes a long beep for 2 seconds and stops for 1 second, the data is collected and unplug the assistant.
Step 2: Upload data
1.Open the JMD APP and connect handy-baby MI.
2.JMD assistant sensing area sits on.the identification antenna and reads the collected data.
3.After read successful, Choose JMD APP upload
4.Write VIN number
5.Choose VW or Skoda
6.Write token to payment(Purchase from an agent)
7.Upload success
Step 3: Download data.