Many customers would like MB SD C4 diagnostic multiplexer only but usually have all kinds of problem with it. According to the feedback these days, we highly recommend buying the diagnostic tool bundle MB SD C4 and Dell D630 for the following points:
Customer A: I would advise buy MB SD CONNECT C4 with D630 laptop,
because it is connected via LAN Cable but not COM Port as mb star c3.
Most laptops have not this COM port; also, used Laptop may have problem
on COM port so that you would not communication well.
I got this Mercedes multiplexer MB SD Connect Compact 4 from (a specialized web for Mercedes vehicles) for almost
one year. It is still working well.
Customer B: I do not need install any software because this package offer includes Dell 630 in which the newest software Xentry 2019.7 for mb sd c4 was pre-installed before delivery. When I get the SD C4, I directly use it. No need to activation. Very convenient!
Technicians’ suggestion:
1. It is more suitable for most people without too much maintenance
experience, because this standard kit including an internal hard drive
with all software pre-installed, will minimize setup difficulties and
come into use directly.
2. It will much faster to diagnose with internal hard drive in Dell laptop than with external drive.
3. It is much easier to carry the sd c4 multiplexer and laptop D630 for diagnosis.
Nothing to unplug or fall off.
Ps. New 2019.7 MB SD Connect Compact 4:
1. New MB SD Connect C4 come with D-LINK WIFI Card
2. New MB SD Connect C4 has more competitive price
3. New MB SD Connect C4 come with latest software: V2015.7
4. New MB SD Connect C4 support both cars and trucks, support wifi connection
5. New MB SD Connect C4 come with one year warranty.