Here OBD2TOOL share the new XProg-M V5.84 ECU software on Win7.Hope this article is helpful to your work!
Extract new 5.84 rar file on you laptop

Then open the folder and open the “5.84AdbeRdr11000_mui_Std” folder and run “Setup.exe”

Then select the language for this installation form the choices below.

Click “Next” to continue

And select “Manually check for and install updates (not recommended)”

The program features you selected are being installed,please wait…
Note:Before you use XPROG 5.84,please uninstall all the software and
BSU drivers of the old version xprog-box on you computer and install the
new XPROG 5.84 software on the install disc!!!
And there is a “5.84 registry” file,you need copy it and paste it on desktop

Copy “English5.84 software” folder to disk C and open to locate “XProgDesktop”.
Sent it to Desktop to create shortcut

Now,you can delete the “new 5.84” folder you extracted before.
Then open New5.84 rar file,and only extract “XPROG-BOX drive” on you desktop

Now connect XPROG programmer to laptop,it will prompt you “Device driver software was not successfully installed”

Open “Computer Management”–>”Device Manager” to locate
“XPROG-box”–>”Update Driver Software”–>”Browse for driver software
on your computer”
Select the driver file you extract on the laptop
The it will begin to install driver

After driver installation successfully,you will find the COM port work correctly

Merge the “5.84registry” file you copy on the laptop,if it prompt you “Are you sure…”
Just click “Yes” to continue
Note:This step is very important,you need to make sure you have perform this operation,you can repeat this several times.

Right click “XProgDesktop” shortcut,and run it as administrator

Now you can use it!